massage therapy
Ina Roelants
The Big POP Massage Therapist
Someone who will put a big smile on your face in The Big POP: Ina Roelants.
Ina is a well-known treatment maestro in the European marathon scene. She has a 15-year career in the pharmaceutical and medical industry, but recently found her passion to reevaluate her life by obtaining a qualification in Zen-Shiatsu. She has also studied and practiced Tsubo, Yin Tsing Yitsu, Chakra Healing, Holistic Pulsing and Ayurveda.
Ina pays a lot of attention to the energy flow in the meridians: she alternates soft and deep touches to harmonize the body and mind during her therapy. Her treatments eliminate secondary symptoms, such as pain or physical imbalance, but also focus on finding a natural balance which then remains for a long period after the treatments.
We are so fortunate to have Ina providing head, neck, shoulders, joint and foot massages in
The Big POP, so treat yourself a tanda in the treatment room with Ina Roelants!
Advance bookings and available sessions will be announced nearer the time.